
class starknet_py.contract.Contract#

Cairo contract’s model.

__init__(address: int | str, abi: list, provider: BaseAccount | Client, *, cairo_version: int = 0)#

Should be used instead of from_address when ABI is known statically.

Arguments provider and client are mutually exclusive and cannot be provided at the same time.

  • address – contract’s address.

  • abi – contract’s abi.

  • provider – BaseAccount or Client used to perform transactions.

  • cairo_version – Version of the Cairo in which contract is written.


contract = Contract(
            "inputs": [{"name": "amount", "type": "felt"}],
            "name": "increase_balance",
            "outputs": [],
            "type": "function",
        key_pair=KeyPair(12, 34),
static compute_address(salt: int, compiled_contract: str, constructor_args: List | Dict | None = None, deployer_address: int = 0) int#

Computes address for given contract.

  • salt – int

  • compiled_contract – String containing compiled contract.

  • constructor_args – A list or dict of arguments for the constructor.

  • deployer_address – Address of the deployer (if not provided default 0 is used).


Contract’s address.


address = Contract.compute_address(
    salt=1, compiled_contract=compiled_contract, constructor_args=[1, 2, [2]]
static compute_contract_hash(compiled_contract: str) int#

Computes hash for given contract.


compiled_contract – String containing compiled contract.


Class_hash of the contract.

async static declare_v1(account: BaseAccount, compiled_contract: str, *, nonce: int | None = None, max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False) DeclareResult#

Declares a contract.

  • account – BaseAccount used to sign and send declare transaction.

  • compiled_contract – String containing compiled contract.

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.

  • max_fee – Max amount of Wei to be paid when executing transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).


DeclareResult instance.

static declare_v1_sync(account: BaseAccount, compiled_contract: str, *, nonce: int | None = None, max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False) DeclareResult#

Synchronous version of the method.

async static declare_v2(account: BaseAccount, compiled_contract: str, *, compiled_contract_casm: str | None = None, compiled_class_hash: int | None = None, nonce: int | None = None, max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False) DeclareResult#

Declares a contract.

  • account – BaseAccount used to sign and send declare transaction.

  • compiled_contract – String containing compiled contract.

  • compiled_contract_casm – String containing the content of the starknet-sierra-compile (.casm file).

  • compiled_class_hash – Hash of the compiled_contract_casm.

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.

  • max_fee – Max amount of Wei to be paid when executing transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).


DeclareResult instance.

static declare_v2_sync(account: BaseAccount, compiled_contract: str, *, compiled_contract_casm: str | None = None, compiled_class_hash: int | None = None, nonce: int | None = None, max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False) DeclareResult#

Synchronous version of the method.

async static declare_v3(account: BaseAccount, compiled_contract: str, *, compiled_contract_casm: str | None = None, compiled_class_hash: int | None = None, nonce: int | None = None, l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False) DeclareResult#

Declares a contract.

  • account – BaseAccount used to sign and send declare transaction.

  • compiled_contract – String containing compiled contract.

  • compiled_contract_casm – String containing the content of the starknet-sierra-compile (.casm file).

  • compiled_class_hash – Hash of the compiled_contract_casm.

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.

  • l1_resource_bounds – Max amount and max price per unit of L1 gas (in Fri) used when executing this transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).


DeclareResult instance.

static declare_v3_sync(account: BaseAccount, compiled_contract: str, *, compiled_contract_casm: str | None = None, compiled_class_hash: int | None = None, nonce: int | None = None, l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False) DeclareResult#

Synchronous version of the method.

async static deploy_contract_v1(account: BaseAccount, class_hash: int | str, abi: List, constructor_args: List | Dict | None = None, *, deployer_address: int | str = '0x041a78e741e5aF2fEc34B695679bC6891742439f7AFB8484Ecd7766661aD02BF', cairo_version: int = 0, nonce: int | None = None, max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, salt: int | None = None, unique: bool = True) DeployResult#

Deploys a contract through Universal Deployer Contract.

  • account – BaseAccount used to sign and send deploy transaction.

  • class_hash – The class_hash of the contract to be deployed.

  • abi – An abi of the contract to be deployed.

  • constructor_args – a list or dict of arguments for the constructor.

  • deployer_address – Address of the UDC. Is set to the address of the default UDC (same address on mainnet/goerli/sepolia) by default. Must be set when using custom network other than ones listed above.

  • cairo_version – Version of the Cairo in which contract is written. By default, it is set to 0.

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.

  • max_fee – Max amount of Wei to be paid when executing transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).

  • salt – Optional salt. Random value is selected if it is not provided.

  • unique – Determines if the contract should be salted with the account address.


DeployResult instance.

static deploy_contract_v1_sync(account: BaseAccount, class_hash: int | str, abi: List, constructor_args: List | Dict | None = None, *, deployer_address: int | str = '0x041a78e741e5aF2fEc34B695679bC6891742439f7AFB8484Ecd7766661aD02BF', cairo_version: int = 0, nonce: int | None = None, max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, salt: int | None = None, unique: bool = True) DeployResult#

Synchronous version of the method.

async static deploy_contract_v3(account: BaseAccount, class_hash: int | str, abi: List, constructor_args: List | Dict | None = None, *, deployer_address: int | str = '0x041a78e741e5aF2fEc34B695679bC6891742439f7AFB8484Ecd7766661aD02BF', cairo_version: int = 1, nonce: int | None = None, l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, salt: int | None = None, unique: bool = True) DeployResult#

Deploys a contract through Universal Deployer Contract.

  • account – BaseAccount used to sign and send deploy transaction.

  • class_hash – The class_hash of the contract to be deployed.

  • abi – An abi of the contract to be deployed.

  • constructor_args – a list or dict of arguments for the constructor.

  • deployer_address – Address of the UDC. Is set to the address of the default UDC (same address on mainnet/goerli/sepolia) by default. Must be set when using custom network other than ones listed above.

  • cairo_version – Version of the Cairo in which contract is written. By default, it is set to 1.

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.

  • l1_resource_bounds – Max amount and max price per unit of L1 gas (in Fri) used when executing this transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).

  • salt – Optional salt. Random value is selected if it is not provided.

  • unique – Determines if the contract should be salted with the account address.


DeployResult instance.

static deploy_contract_v3_sync(account: BaseAccount, class_hash: int | str, abi: List, constructor_args: List | Dict | None = None, *, deployer_address: int | str = '0x041a78e741e5aF2fEc34B695679bC6891742439f7AFB8484Ecd7766661aD02BF', cairo_version: int = 1, nonce: int | None = None, l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, salt: int | None = None, unique: bool = True) DeployResult#

Synchronous version of the method.

async static from_address(address: int | str, provider: BaseAccount | Client | None = None, proxy_config: bool | ProxyConfig = False) Contract#

Fetches ABI for given contract and creates a new Contract instance with it. If you know ABI statically you should create Contract’s instances directly instead of using this function to avoid unnecessary API calls.

  • ContractNotFoundError – when contract is not found.

  • TypeError – when given client’s get_class_by_hash method does not return abi.

  • ProxyResolutionError – when given ProxyChecks were not sufficient to resolve proxy’s implementation.

  • address – Contract’s address.

  • provider – BaseAccount or Client.

  • proxy_config

    Proxy resolving config If set to True, will use default proxy checks starknet_py.proxy.proxy_check.OpenZeppelinProxyCheck and starknet_py.proxy.proxy_check.ArgentProxyCheck.

    If set to False, Contract.from_address() will not resolve proxies.

    If a valid starknet_py.contract_abi_resolver.ProxyConfig is provided, will use its values instead.


an initialized Contract instance.


address = 1 or 0x1 or "0x1"
contract = await Contract.from_address(address=address, provider=account)
# or if the contract is a proxy (read more about resolving proxies in the `Guide`)
config = True
contract = await Contract.from_address(
    address=address, provider=account, proxy_config=config
static from_address_sync(address: int | str, provider: BaseAccount | Client = None, proxy_config: bool | ProxyConfig = False) Contract#

Synchronous version of the method.

property address: int#

Address of the contract.

property functions: Dict[str, ContractFunction]#

All functions exposed from a contract.


class starknet_py.contract.ContractFunction#
async call(*args, block_hash: str | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, **kwargs) TupleDataclass#

Call contract’s function. *args and **kwargs are translated into Cairo calldata. The result is translated from Cairo data to python values. Equivalent of .prepare_call(*args, **kwargs).call().

  • block_hash – Block hash to perform the call to the contract at specific point of time.

  • block_number – Block number to perform the call to the contract at specific point of time.


TupleDataclass representing call result.


call_result = map_contract.functions["get"].call(key=10)
# or when call has to be done at specific block
call_result = map_contract.functions["get"].call(key=10, block_number="latest")
call_sync(*args, block_hash: str | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, **kwargs) TupleDataclass#

Synchronous version of the method.

static get_selector(function_name: str)#

function_name – Contract function’s name.


A Starknet integer selector for this function inside the contract.


selector = ContractFunction.get_selector("get")
async invoke_v1(*args, max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, nonce: int | None = None, **kwargs) InvokeResult#

Invoke contract’s function. *args and **kwargs are translated into Cairo calldata. Equivalent of .prepare_invoke_v1(*args, **kwargs).invoke().

  • max_fee – Max amount of Wei to be paid when executing transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.




invoke_result = map_contract.functions["put"].invoke_v1(
    key=10, value=20, max_fee=int(1e15)
invoke_v1_sync(*args, max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, nonce: int | None = None, **kwargs) InvokeResult#

Synchronous version of the method.

async invoke_v3(*args, l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, nonce: int | None = None, **kwargs) InvokeResult#

Invoke contract’s function. *args and **kwargs are translated into Cairo calldata. Equivalent of .prepare_invoke_v3(*args, **kwargs).invoke().

  • l1_resource_bounds – Max amount and max price per unit of L1 gas (in Fri) used when executing this transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.




invoke_result = map_contract.functions["put"].invoke_v3(
        max_amount=5000, max_price_per_unit=int(1e12)
invoke_v3_sync(*args, l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, nonce: int | None = None, **kwargs) InvokeResult#

Synchronous version of the method.

prepare_call(*args, **kwargs) PreparedFunctionCall#

*args and **kwargs are translated into Cairo calldata. Creates a PreparedFunctionCall instance which exposes calldata for every argument and adds more arguments when calling methods.



prepare_invoke_v1(*args, max_fee: int | None = None, **kwargs) PreparedFunctionInvokeV1#

*args and **kwargs are translated into Cairo calldata. Creates a PreparedFunctionInvokeV1 instance which exposes calldata for every argument and adds more arguments when calling methods.


max_fee – Max amount of Wei to be paid when executing transaction.




prepared_function_call = map_contract.functions["put"].prepare_invoke_v1(
    key=10, value=20
prepare_invoke_v3(*args, l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, **kwargs) PreparedFunctionInvokeV3#

*args and **kwargs are translated into Cairo calldata. Creates a PreparedFunctionInvokeV3 instance which exposes calldata for every argument and adds more arguments when calling methods.


l1_resource_bounds – Max amount and max price per unit of L1 gas (in Fri) used when executing this transaction.




prepared_function_call = map_contract.functions["put"].prepare_invoke_v3(
    key=10, value=20


class starknet_py.contract.ContractData#

Basic data of a deployed contract.

static from_abi(address: int, abi: list, cairo_version: int = 0) ContractData#

Create ContractData from ABI.

  • address – Address of the deployed contract.

  • abi – Abi of the contract.

  • cairo_version – Version of the Cairo in which contract is written.


ContractData instance.

property parsed_abi: Abi | Abi | Abi#

Abi parsed into proper dataclass.




class starknet_py.contract.PreparedFunctionCall#

Prepared date to call a contract function.

async call(block_hash: str | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) TupleDataclass#

Calls a method.

  • block_hash – Optional block hash.

  • block_number – Optional block number.


TupleDataclass representing call result.


response = await"latest")
# or
response = await
async call_raw(block_hash: str | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) List[int]#

Calls a method without translating the result into python values.

  • block_hash – Optional block hash.

  • block_number – Optional block number.


list of ints.


raw_response = await prepared_function_call.call_raw(block_number="latest")
# or
raw_response = await prepared_function_call.call_raw()
call_raw_sync(block_hash: str | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) List[int]#

Synchronous version of the method.

call_sync(block_hash: str | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) TupleDataclass#

Synchronous version of the method.


class starknet_py.contract.PreparedFunctionInvokeV1#

Prepared date to send an InvokeV1 transaction.

async estimate_fee(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, *, nonce: int | None = None) EstimatedFee#

Estimate fee for prepared function call.

  • block_hash – Estimate fee at specific block hash.

  • block_number – Estimate fee at given block number (or “latest” / “pending” for the latest / pending block), default is “pending”.

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.


Estimated amount of the transaction cost, either in Wei or Fri associated with executing the specified transaction.

estimate_fee_sync(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, *, nonce: int | None = None) EstimatedFee#

Synchronous version of the method.

async invoke(max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, *, nonce: int | None = None) InvokeResult#

Send an Invoke transaction version 1 for the prepared data.

  • max_fee – Max amount of Wei to be paid when executing transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.




invoke_result = await prepared_function_call.invoke(max_fee=int(1e15))
# max_fee can be estimated automatically
invoke_result = await prepared_function_call.invoke(auto_estimate=True)
# or if max_fee was specified in prepared_function_call
invoke_result = await prepared_function_call.invoke()
invoke_sync(max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, *, nonce: int | None = None) InvokeResult#

Synchronous version of the method.


class starknet_py.contract.PreparedFunctionInvokeV3#

Prepared date to send an InvokeV3 transaction.

async estimate_fee(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, *, nonce: int | None = None) EstimatedFee#

Estimate fee for prepared function call.

  • block_hash – Estimate fee at specific block hash.

  • block_number – Estimate fee at given block number (or “latest” / “pending” for the latest / pending block), default is “pending”.

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.


Estimated amount of the transaction cost, either in Wei or Fri associated with executing the specified transaction.

estimate_fee_sync(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, *, nonce: int | None = None) EstimatedFee#

Synchronous version of the method.

async invoke(l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, *, nonce: int | None = None) InvokeResult#

Send an Invoke transaction version 3 for the prepared data.

  • l1_resource_bounds – Max amount and max price per unit of L1 gas (in Fri) used when executing this transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction.




invoke_result = await prepared_function_call.invoke(
    l1_resource_bounds=ResourceBounds(max_amount=5000, max_price_per_unit=int(1e12))
# l1_resource_bounds can be estimated automatically
invoke_result = await prepared_function_call.invoke(auto_estimate=True)
# or if l1_resource_bounds was specified in prepared_function_call
invoke_result = await prepared_function_call.invoke()
invoke_sync(l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False, *, nonce: int | None = None) InvokeResult#

Synchronous version of the method.


class starknet_py.contract.InvokeResult#

Result of the Invoke transaction.

contract: ContractData = None#

Additional information about the Contract that made the transaction.

invoke_transaction: InvokeV1 | InvokeV3 = None#

A InvokeTransaction instance used.


class starknet_py.contract.DeployResult#

Result of the contract deployment.

deployed_contract: Contract = None#

A Contract instance representing the deployed contract.


class starknet_py.contract.DeclareResult#

Result of the Declare transaction.

async deploy_v1(*, deployer_address: int | str = '0x041a78e741e5aF2fEc34B695679bC6891742439f7AFB8484Ecd7766661aD02BF', salt: int | None = None, unique: bool = True, constructor_args: List | Dict | None = None, nonce: int | None = None, max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False) DeployResult#

Deploys a contract.

  • deployer_address – Address of the UDC. Is set to the address of the default UDC (same address on mainnet/goerli/sepolia) by default. Must be set when using custom network other than ones listed above.

  • salt – Optional salt. Random value is selected if it is not provided.

  • unique – Determines if the contract should be salted with the account address.

  • constructor_args – a list or dict of arguments for the constructor.

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction with call to deployer.

  • max_fee – Max amount of Wei to be paid when executing transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).


DeployResult instance.

deploy_v1_sync(*, deployer_address: int | str = '0x041a78e741e5aF2fEc34B695679bC6891742439f7AFB8484Ecd7766661aD02BF', salt: int | None = None, unique: bool = True, constructor_args: List | Dict | None = None, nonce: int | None = None, max_fee: int | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False) DeployResult#

Synchronous version of the method.

async deploy_v3(*, deployer_address: int | str = '0x041a78e741e5aF2fEc34B695679bC6891742439f7AFB8484Ecd7766661aD02BF', salt: int | None = None, unique: bool = True, constructor_args: List | Dict | None = None, nonce: int | None = None, l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False) DeployResult#

Deploys a contract.

  • deployer_address – Address of the UDC. Is set to the address of the default UDC (same address on mainnet/goerli/sepolia) by default. Must be set when using custom network other than ones listed above.

  • salt – Optional salt. Random value is selected if it is not provided.

  • unique – Determines if the contract should be salted with the account address.

  • constructor_args – a list or dict of arguments for the constructor.

  • nonce – Nonce of the transaction with call to deployer.

  • l1_resource_bounds – Max amount and max price per unit of L1 gas (in Fri) used when executing this transaction.

  • auto_estimate – Use automatic fee estimation (not recommended, as it may lead to high costs).


DeployResult instance.

deploy_v3_sync(*, deployer_address: int | str = '0x041a78e741e5aF2fEc34B695679bC6891742439f7AFB8484Ecd7766661aD02BF', salt: int | None = None, unique: bool = True, constructor_args: List | Dict | None = None, nonce: int | None = None, l1_resource_bounds: ResourceBounds | None = None, auto_estimate: bool = False) DeployResult#

Synchronous version of the method.

class_hash: int = None#

Class hash of the declared contract.

compiled_contract: str = None#

Compiled contract that was declared.

declare_transaction: DeclareV1 | DeclareV2 | DeclareV3 = None#

A Declare transaction that has been sent.