Resolving proxy contracts#
If you know the abi of the contract, always prefer creating Contract directly from constructor.
must perform some calls to Starknet to get an abi of the contract.
Resolving proxies is a powerful feature of If your contract is a proxy to some implementation, you can use
high-level Contract.from_address
method to get a contract instance.
works with contracts which are not proxies, so it is the most universal method of getting
a contract not knowing the abi.
from starknet_py.contract import Contract
# Getting the direct contract from address
contract = await Contract.from_address(address=address, provider=account)
# To use contract behind a proxy as a regular contract, set proxy_config to True
# It will check if your proxy is OpenZeppelin proxy / ArgentX proxy
contract = await Contract.from_address(
address=address, provider=account, proxy_config=True
# After that contract can be used as usual
Since the Proxy contracts on Starknet can have different implementations, as every user can define their custom implementation, there is no single way of checking if some contract is a Proxy contract.
- There are two main ways of proxying a contract on Starknet:
forward the calls using
of proxied contractforward the calls using
of proxied contract
uses proxy_checks
to fetch the implementation
(address or class hash) of the proxied contract.
ProxyCheck checks whether the contract is a Proxy contract.
It does that by trying to get the address
or class_hash
of the implementation.
- By default,
uses a configuration with two ProxyChecks: ArgentProxyCheck - resolves Argent Proxy.
OpenZeppelinProxyCheck - resolves OpenZeppelin Proxy.
has been removed, because the StarkGate ETH Token was upgraded to Cairo 2, meaning it isn’t a Proxy anymore. Currently, all StarkGate’s Token contracts use interface of ERC20 to interact.
It’s possible to define own ProxyCheck implementation and later pass it to Contract.from_address
, so it knows how to resolve the Proxy.
The ProxyCheck base class implements the following interface:
class ProxyCheck(ABC):
async def implementation_address(
self, address: Address, client: Client
) -> Optional[int]:
:return: Implementation address of contract being proxied by proxy contract at `address`
given as an argument or None if implementation does not exist.
async def implementation_hash(
self, address: Address, client: Client
) -> Optional[int]:
:return: Implementation class hash of contract being proxied by proxy contract at `address`
given as an argument or None if implementation does not exist.
- It has two methods:
implementation_address - returns the address of the proxied contract (implement this if your Proxy contract uses the address of another contract as implementation)
implementation_hash - returns the class_hash of the proxied contract (implement this if your Proxy contract uses the class_hash of another contract as implementation)
Here is the complete example:
# To resolve proxy contract other than OpenZeppelin / ArgentX, a custom ProxyCheck is needed
# The ProxyCheck below resolves proxy contracts which have implementation
# stored in impl() function as class hash
class CustomProxyCheck(ProxyCheck):
async def implementation_address(
self, address: Address, client: Client
) -> Optional[int]:
# Note that None is returned, since our custom Proxy uses
# the class hash of another contract as implementation and not the address
return None
async def implementation_hash(
self, address: Address, client: Client
) -> Optional[int]:
call = Call(
(implementation,) = await client.call_contract(call=call)
return implementation
# Create ProxyConfig with the CustomProxyCheck
proxy_config = ProxyConfig(proxy_checks=[CustomProxyCheck()])
# More ProxyCheck instances can be passed to proxy_checks for it to be flexible
proxy_config = ProxyConfig(proxy_checks=[CustomProxyCheck(), ArgentProxyCheck()])
contract = await Contract.from_address(
address=address, provider=account, proxy_config=proxy_config