
Using FullNodeClient#

A Client is a facade for interacting with Starknet. FullNodeClient is a client which interacts with a Starknet full nodes like Pathfinder, Papyrus or Juno. It supports read and write operations, like querying the blockchain state or adding new transactions.

from starknet_py.net.full_node_client import FullNodeClient

node_url = "https://your.node.url"
client = FullNodeClient(node_url=node_url)

call_result = await client.get_block(block_number=1)

The default interface is asynchronous. Although it is the recommended way of using starknet.py, you can also use a synchronous version. It might be helpful to play with Starknet directly in python interpreter.

node_url = "https://your.node.url"
client = FullNodeClient(node_url=node_url)
call_result = client.get_block_sync(block_number=1)

You can check out all of the FullNodeClient’s methods here: FullNodeClient.

Creating Account#

Account is the default implementation of BaseAccount interface. It supports an account contract which proxies the calls to other contracts on Starknet.

Account can be created in two ways:

  • By constructor (It is required to provide an address and either key_pair or signer).

  • By static methods Account.deploy_account_v1 or Account.deploy_account_v3

There are some examples how to do it:

from starknet_py.net.account.account import Account
from starknet_py.net.full_node_client import FullNodeClient
from starknet_py.net.models.chains import StarknetChainId
from starknet_py.net.signer.stark_curve_signer import KeyPair, StarkCurveSigner

# Creates an instance of account which is already deployed
# Account using transaction version=1 (has __validate__ function)
client = FullNodeClient(node_url="https://your.node.url")
account = Account(
    key_pair=KeyPair(private_key=654, public_key=321),

# There is another way of creating key_pair
key_pair = KeyPair.from_private_key(key=123)
# or
key_pair = KeyPair.from_private_key(key="0x123")

# Instead of providing key_pair it is possible to specify a signer
signer = StarkCurveSigner("0x1234", key_pair, StarknetChainId.SEPOLIA)

account = Account(
    client=client, address="0x1234", signer=signer, chain=StarknetChainId.SEPOLIA

Using Account#

Example usage:

from starknet_py.contract import Contract
from starknet_py.net.client_models import ResourceBounds

l1_resource_bounds = ResourceBounds(
    max_amount=int(1e5), max_price_per_unit=int(1e13)
# Declare and deploy an example contract which implements a simple k-v store.
# Contract.declare_v3 takes string containing a compiled contract (sierra) and
# a class hash (casm_class_hash) or string containing a compiled contract (casm)
declare_result = await Contract.declare_v3(

await declare_result.wait_for_acceptance()
deploy_result = await declare_result.deploy_v3(
# Wait until deployment transaction is accepted
await deploy_result.wait_for_acceptance()

# Get deployed contract
map_contract = deploy_result.deployed_contract
k, v = 13, 4324
# Adds a transaction to mutate the state of k-v store. The call goes through account proxy, because we've used
# Account to create the contract object
await (
    await map_contract.functions["put"].invoke_v3(
            max_amount=int(1e5), max_price_per_unit=int(1e13)

# Retrieves the value, which is equal to 4324 in this case
(resp,) = await map_contract.functions["get"].call(k)

# There is a possibility of invoking the multicall

# Creates a list of prepared function calls
calls = [
    map_contract.functions["put"].prepare_invoke_v3(key=10, value=20),
    map_contract.functions["put"].prepare_invoke_v3(key=30, value=40),

# Executes only one transaction with prepared calls
transaction_response = await account.execute_v3(
await account.client.wait_for_tx(transaction_response.transaction_hash)

Using Contract#

Contract makes interacting with contracts deployed on Starknet much easier:

from starknet_py.contract import Contract

contract_address = (
key = 1234

# Create contract from contract's address - Contract will download contract's ABI to know its interface.
contract = await Contract.from_address(address=contract_address, provider=account)

# If the ABI is known, create the contract directly (this is the preferred way).
contract = Contract(

# All exposed functions are available at contract.functions.
# Here we invoke a function, creating a new transaction.
invocation = await contract.functions["put"].invoke_v1(key, 7, max_fee=int(1e16))

# Invocation returns InvokeResult object. It exposes a helper for waiting until transaction is accepted.
await invocation.wait_for_acceptance()

# Calling contract's function doesn't create a new transaction, you get the function's result.
(saved,) = await contract.functions["get"].call(key)
# saved = 7 now


To check if invoke succeeded use wait_for_acceptance on InvokeResult and get its status.

Although asynchronous API is recommended, you can also use Contract’s synchronous API:

from starknet_py.contract import Contract

contract_address = (

key = 1234
contract = Contract.from_address_sync(address=contract_address, provider=account)

invocation = contract.functions["put"].invoke_v1_sync(key, 7, max_fee=int(1e16))

(saved,) = contract.functions["get"].call_sync(key)  # 7


Contract automatically serializes values to Cairo calldata. This includes adding array lengths automatically. See more info in Serialization.