
class starknet_py.net.full_node_client.FullNodeClient#
__init__(node_url: str, session: ClientSession | None = None)#

Client for interacting with Starknet json-rpc interface.

  • node_url – Url of the node providing rpc interface

  • net – Starknet network identifier

  • session – Aiohttp session to be used for request. If not provided, client will create a session for every request. When using a custom session, user is responsible for closing it manually.


client = FullNodeClient(node_url="https://your.node.url")
async call_contract(call: Call, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) List[int]#

Call the contract with given instance of InvokeTransaction

  • call – Call

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


List of integers representing contract’s function output (structured like calldata)


response = await client.call_contract(
call_contract_sync(call: Call, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) List[int]#

Synchronous version of the method.

async declare(transaction: DeclareV1 | DeclareV2 | DeclareV3) DeclareTransactionResponse#

Send a declare transaction


transaction – Declare transaction


SentTransactionResponse object

declare_sync(transaction: DeclareV1 | DeclareV2 | DeclareV3) DeclareTransactionResponse#

Synchronous version of the method.

async deploy_account(transaction: DeployAccountV1 | DeployAccountV3) DeployAccountTransactionResponse#

Deploy a pre-funded account contract to the network


transaction – DeployAccount transaction


SentTransactionResponse object

deploy_account_sync(transaction: DeployAccountV1 | DeployAccountV3) DeployAccountTransactionResponse#

Synchronous version of the method.

async estimate_fee(tx: AccountTransaction | List[AccountTransaction], skip_validate: bool = False, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) EstimatedFee | List[EstimatedFee]#

Estimates the resources required by a given sequence of transactions when applied on a given state. If one of the transactions reverts or fails due to any reason (e.g. validation failure or an internal error), a TRANSACTION_EXECUTION_ERROR is returned. For v0-2 transactions the estimate is given in Wei, and for v3 transactions it is given in Fri.

  • tx – Transaction to estimate

  • skip_validate – Flag checking whether the validation part of the transaction should be executed.

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”.

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”.


Estimated amount of Wei executing specified transaction will cost.


# a single transaction
estimated_fee = await client.estimate_fee(tx=transaction)
# or a list of transactions
estimated_fee = await client.estimate_fee(tx=[transaction])
estimate_fee_sync(tx: AccountTransaction | List[AccountTransaction], skip_validate: bool = False, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) EstimatedFee | List[EstimatedFee]#

Synchronous version of the method.

async estimate_message_fee(from_address: str, to_address: int | str, entry_point_selector: int | str, payload: List[int | str], block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) EstimatedFee#
  • from_address – The address of the L1 (Ethereum) contract sending the message.

  • to_address – The target L2 (Starknet) address the message is sent to.

  • entry_point_selector – The selector of the l1_handler in invoke in the target contract.

  • payload – Payload of the message.

  • block_hash – Hash of the requested block or literals “pending” or “latest”. Mutually exclusive with block_number parameter. If not provided, queries block “pending”.

  • block_number – Number (height) of the requested block or literals “pending” or “latest”. Mutually exclusive with block_hash parameter. If not provided, queries block “pending”.

estimate_message_fee_sync(from_address: str, to_address: int | str, entry_point_selector: int | str, payload: List[int | str], block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) EstimatedFee#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_block(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) StarknetBlock | PendingStarknetBlock#

Retrieve the block’s data by its number or hash

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


StarknetBlock object representing retrieved block


block = await client.get_block(block_number="latest")
block = await client.get_block(block_number=0)
# or
block_hash = "0x0"
block = await client.get_block(block_hash=block_hash)
async get_block_hash_and_number() BlockHashAndNumber#

Get the most recent accepted block hash and number

get_block_hash_and_number_sync() BlockHashAndNumber#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_block_number() int#

Get the most recent accepted block number

get_block_number_sync() int#

Synchronous version of the method.

get_block_sync(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) StarknetBlock | PendingStarknetBlock#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_block_transaction_count(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) int#

Get the number of transactions in a block given a block id

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


Number of transactions in the designated block


num_of_transactions = await client.get_block_transaction_count(
get_block_transaction_count_sync(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) int#

Synchronous version of the method.

get_block_with_receipts_sync(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None)#

Synchronous version of the method.

get_block_with_tx_hashes_sync(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) StarknetBlockWithTxHashes | PendingStarknetBlockWithTxHashes#

Synchronous version of the method.

get_block_with_txs_sync(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) StarknetBlock | PendingStarknetBlock#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_chain_id() str#

Return the currently configured Starknet chain id

get_chain_id_sync() str#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_class_at(contract_address: int | str, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) SierraContractClass | ContractClass#

Get the contract class definition in the given block at the given address

  • contract_address – The address of the contract whose class definition will be returned

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


Contract declared to Starknet


address = 0x1 or 1 or "0x1"
contract_class = await client.get_class_at(
    contract_address=address, block_number="latest"
get_class_at_sync(contract_address: int | str, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) SierraContractClass | ContractClass#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_class_by_hash(class_hash: int | str, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) SierraContractClass | ContractClass#

Get the contract class for given class hash


class_hash – Class hash


ContractClass object


hash_ = 0x1 or 1 or "0x1"
contract_class = await client.get_class_by_hash(class_hash=hash_)
get_class_by_hash_sync(class_hash: int | str, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) SierraContractClass | ContractClass#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_class_hash_at(contract_address: int | str, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) int#

Get the contract class hash for the contract deployed at the given address

  • contract_address – Address of the contract whose class hash is to be returned

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


Class hash


address = 0x1 or 1 or "0x1"
class_hash = await client.get_class_hash_at(
    contract_address=address, block_number="latest"
get_class_hash_at_sync(contract_address: int | str, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) int#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_contract_nonce(contract_address: int | str, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) int#

Get the latest nonce associated with the given address

  • contract_address – Get the latest nonce associated with the given address

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


The last nonce used for the given contract


address = 0x1 or 1 or "0x1"
nonce = await client.get_contract_nonce(
    contract_address=address, block_number="latest"
get_contract_nonce_sync(contract_address: int | str, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) int#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_events(address: int | str | None = None, keys: List[List[int | str]] | None = None, *, from_block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, from_block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, to_block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, to_block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, follow_continuation_token: bool = False, continuation_token: str | None = None, chunk_size: int = 1) EventsChunk#
  • address – The address of the contract that emitted the event.

  • keys – List consisting lists of keys by which the events are filtered. They match the keys by position, e.g. given an event with 3 keys, [[1,2],[],[3]] which should return events that have either 1 or 2 in the first key, any value for their second key and 3 for their third key.

  • from_block_number – Number of the block from which events searched for starts or literals “pending” or “latest”. Mutually exclusive with from_block_hash parameter. If not provided, query starts from block 0.

  • from_block_hash – Hash of the block from which events searched for starts or literals “pending” or “latest”. Mutually exclusive with from_block_number parameter. If not provided, query starts from block 0.

  • to_block_number – Number of the block to which events searched for end or literals “pending” or “latest”. Mutually exclusive with to_block_hash parameter. If not provided, query ends at block “pending”.

  • to_block_hash – Hash of the block to which events searched for end or literals “pending” or “latest”. Mutually exclusive with to_block_number parameter. If not provided, query ends at block “pending”.

  • follow_continuation_token – Flag deciding whether all events should be collected during one function call, defaults to False.

  • continuation_token – Continuation token from which the returned events start.

  • chunk_size – Size of chunk of events returned by one get_events call, defaults to 1 (minimum).


EventsResponse dataclass containing events and optional continuation token.


address = 0x1 or 1 or "0x1"
events_response = await client.get_events(
    keys=[[1, 2], [], [3]],
get_events_sync(address: int | str | None = None, keys: List[List[int | str]] | None = None, *, from_block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, from_block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, to_block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, to_block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, follow_continuation_token: bool = False, continuation_token: str | None = None, chunk_size: int = 1) EventsChunk#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_l1_message_hash(tx_hash: int | str) int | str#

tx_hash – Transaction’s hash


Message hash

get_l1_message_hash_sync(tx_hash: int | str) int | str#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_state_update(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) BlockStateUpdate | PendingBlockStateUpdate#

Get the information about the result of executing the requested block

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


BlockStateUpdate object representing changes in the requested block


state_update = await client.get_state_update(block_number="latest")
state_update = await client.get_state_update(block_number=1)
# or
block_hash = "0x0"
state_update = await client.get_state_update(block_hash=block_hash)
get_state_update_sync(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) BlockStateUpdate | PendingBlockStateUpdate#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_storage_at(contract_address: int | str, key: int, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) int#
  • contract_address – Contract’s address on Starknet

  • key – An address of the storage variable inside the contract.

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


Storage value of given contract


storage_value = await client.get_storage_at(
    key=get_storage_var_address("storage_var name"),
get_storage_at_sync(contract_address: int | str, key: int, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) int#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_syncing_status() bool | SyncStatus#

Returns an object about the sync status, or false if the node is not syncing

get_syncing_status_sync() bool | SyncStatus#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_transaction(tx_hash: int | str) Transaction#

Get the details and status of a submitted transaction


tx_hash – Transaction’s hash


Transaction object


transaction_hash = 0x1 or 1 or "0x1"
transaction = await client.get_transaction(tx_hash=transaction_hash)
async get_transaction_by_block_id(index: int, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) Transaction#

Get the details of transaction in block identified by block_hash and transaction index.

  • index – Index of the transaction

  • block_hash – Hash of the block

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


Transaction object


transaction = await client.get_transaction_by_block_id(
    index=0, block_number="latest"
get_transaction_by_block_id_sync(index: int, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) Transaction#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash: int | str) TransactionReceipt#

Get the transaction receipt


tx_hash – Transaction’s hash


Transaction receipt object on Starknet


transaction_receipt = await client.get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash=transaction_hash)
get_transaction_receipt_sync(tx_hash: int | str) TransactionReceipt#

Synchronous version of the method.

async get_transaction_status(tx_hash: int | str) TransactionStatusResponse#

Gets the transaction status (possibly reflecting that the transaction is still in the mempool, or dropped from it).


tx_hash – Hash of the executed transaction.


Finality and execution status of a transaction.

get_transaction_status_sync(tx_hash: int | str) TransactionStatusResponse#

Synchronous version of the method.

get_transaction_sync(tx_hash: int | str) Transaction#

Synchronous version of the method.

async send_transaction(transaction: InvokeV1 | InvokeV3) SentTransactionResponse#

Send a transaction to the network


transaction – Transaction object (i.e. Invoke).


SentTransactionResponse object

send_transaction_sync(transaction: InvokeV1 | InvokeV3) SentTransactionResponse#

Synchronous version of the method.

async simulate_transactions(transactions: List[AccountTransaction], skip_validate: bool = False, skip_fee_charge: bool = False, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) List[SimulatedTransaction]#

Simulates a given sequence of transactions on the requested state, and generates the execution traces. Note the following:

  • A transaction may revert. If this occurs, no error is thrown. Instead, revert details are visible in the returned trace object.

  • If a transaction reverts, this will be reflected by the revert_error property in the trace.

  • Other types of failures (e.g. unexpected error or failure in the validation phase) will result in TRANSACTION_EXECUTION_ERROR.

  • transactions – Transactions to be traced.

  • skip_validate – Flag checking whether the validation part of the transaction should be executed.

  • skip_fee_charge – Flag deciding whether fee should be deducted from the balance before the simulation of the next transaction.

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


The execution trace and consumed resources for each transaction.


call = Call(
first_transaction = await account.sign_invoke_v1(calls=call, max_fee=int(1e16))
# one transaction
simulated_txs = await account.client.simulate_transactions(
    transactions=[first_transaction], block_number="latest"
# or multiple
simulated_txs = await account.client.simulate_transactions(
    transactions=[first_transaction, second_transaction], block_number="latest"
simulate_transactions_sync(transactions: List[AccountTransaction], skip_validate: bool = False, skip_fee_charge: bool = False, block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) List[SimulatedTransaction]#

Synchronous version of the method.

async spec_version() str#

Returns the version of the Starknet JSON-RPC specification being used.


String with version of the Starknet JSON-RPC specification.

spec_version_sync() str#

Synchronous version of the method.

async trace_block_transactions(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) List[BlockTransactionTrace]#

Retrieve traces for all transactions in the given block.

  • block_hash – Block’s hash or literals “pending” or “latest”

  • block_number – Block’s number or literals “pending” or “latest”


List of execution traces of all transactions included in the given block with transaction hashes.


block_number = 800002
block_transaction_traces = await client.trace_block_transactions(
trace_block_transactions_sync(block_hash: int | str | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None, block_number: int | Literal['pending', 'latest'] | None = None) List[BlockTransactionTrace]#

Synchronous version of the method.

async trace_transaction(tx_hash: int | str) InvokeTransactionTrace | DeclareTransactionTrace | DeployAccountTransactionTrace | L1HandlerTransactionTrace#

For a given executed transaction, returns the trace of its execution, including internal calls.


tx_hash – Hash of the executed transaction.


Trace of the transaction.


transaction_hash = "0x123"
transaction_trace = await client.trace_transaction(tx_hash=transaction_hash)
trace_transaction_sync(tx_hash: int | str) InvokeTransactionTrace | DeclareTransactionTrace | DeployAccountTransactionTrace | L1HandlerTransactionTrace#

Synchronous version of the method.